10:00 AM10:00


To celebrate the launch of FLIGHT the exhibition a workshop is open for enrollments for beginner to intermediate photographers.  This workshop will cover a wide variety of photography topics, including landscape photography, aviation, portraiture and closeup.

You will learn about the rules of photography such as composition, lighting and exposure, and when to break them. 

Bring your camera and tripod along (not essential) to get hands-on advice on your equipment, begin to understand the “assumptions” made by your camera/s, and how to override them!  Guidance will be provided on how to approach a photo shoot, prepare for the best and the worst, and master your style.

Additional topics will include how to exhibit your work, competitions, approach galleries, network and resources available in Perth and online.

A light lunch will be served. Please advise of any dietary requirements.

Workshop suitable for ages 18+.

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CLOSING SOON! DON'T MISS OUT!  FLIGHT Photography Exhibition
to Apr 25


Done miss the final days of - FLIGHT - at the Royal Aero Club of Western Australia!

Shot on film, these unique hand printed photographic works emerge from the darkroom for the first time to explore the relationship between man, beast and bird, in our ever-evolving quest to fly.

Open to the general public, this event will be the first of it's kind held inside the Royal Aero Club of WA, at Jandakot airport. This original and contemporary location offers sweeping views of one of the busiest airfields and largest aviation training bases in Australia.

The exhibition includes a unique of work produced by Danielle Briggs, containing rare images captured across Western Australia. Families are welcome to enjoy the exhibition while children can try their hand at making their own aircraft.

This exhibition gives viewers the rare opportunity to appreciate the wonders of defying gravity - with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

Location: Royal Aero Club of WA, Jandakot

8am – 5pm, Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th April 2018
8am - 12 noon Wednesday 25th April 2018 (Anzac Day)

Cost: Free

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to Apr 11


Win one of two passes to an exclusive photography workshop with Australian Geographic published photographer Danielle Briggs!

You will learn learn how to improve your photography skills, understand your camera, and find style and inspiration!

For your chance to win your place in one of these amazing workshops, in instagram, simply:

- Like the post
- Follow Danielle's Darkroom
- Share the post!

Hurry!  Entries close Wednesday 11th April 2018! 

Enter today!

City of Cockburn residents only. Terms & Conditions Apply.  See below.

Terms & Conditions:
Entries will be chosen at random; Entry is open to residents over 18 years  age located in the City of Cockburn, Western Australia.  Entries close at 5pm AWST on Wednesday 11th April 2018 and the winner will be announced and notified on Thursday 12th April 2018 via email; Winners must choose and book their workshop by Friday 20th April 2018 and must make their own way to the workshop of their choice; Workshop times and dates are subject to change;  By winning this competition you are giving Danielle's Darkroom and the Royal Aero Club of WA permission to promote you as the winner of the competition on social media (other than your name, no further details will be published).  This may include an image of the photographer with the winner with the winner's consent.

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